Playing local sound in phonegap Playing local sound in phonegap ios ios

Playing local sound in phonegap

You can use window.location.pathname to get the path of your application in any PhoneGap app. That way you don't have to hardcode it for Android. It will look something like this on iPhone:


And this on Android:


Strip off the /index.html, prepend file://, and append your file test.wav.



function getPhoneGapPath() {    var path = window.location.pathname;    path = path.substr( path, path.length - 10 );    return 'file://' + path;};var snd = new Media( getPhoneGapPath() + 'test.wav' );

Try giving an absolute local path. E.g.

new Media("/android_asset/www/test.wav");

That should work on Android. Hopefully they'll fix this in PhoneGap, as it's something of a bug in the cross-device support.

I have another version of getPhonegapPath, it detect's when you'r using Android:

function getPhoneGapPath() {   var path = window.location.pathname;   path = path.substr( path, path.length - 10 );   var devicePlatform = device.platform;   if(devicePlatform=="Android"){    path = 'file://'+path;   }   return path;};