SwiftUI @Binding Initialize SwiftUI @Binding Initialize ios ios

SwiftUI @Binding Initialize

When you use your LoggedInView in your app you do need to provide some binding, such as an @State from a previous view or an @EnvironmentObject.

For the special case of the PreviewProvider where you just need a fixed value you can use .constant(false)


#if DEBUGstruct LoggedInView_Previews : PreviewProvider {    static var previews: some View {        LoggedInView(dismissView: .constant(false))    }}#endif

Using Binding.constant(false) is fine but only for static previews. If you actually wanna launch a Live Preview, constant will not behave the same way as the real case as it will never be updated by your actions. I personally use Live Preview a lot, as I can play around with an isolated view.

Here is what I do for previews requiring Binding:

import SwiftUIstruct SomeView: View {   @Binding var code: String   var body: some View {     // some views modifying code binding   }}struct SomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {  static var previews: some View {    PreviewWrapper()  }  struct PreviewWrapper: View {    @State(initialValue: "") var code: String    var body: some View {      SomeView(code: $code)    }  }}

  • If you need a simple property that belongs to a single view youshould use @State
  • If you need to have complex property that maybelong to several view(like 2-3 views) you shall use@ObjectBinding
  • Lastly, if you need to have property that needs to use all around views you shall use @EnvironmentObject.Source for detail information

For your case, if you still would like to initialize your Binding variable you can use:

var binding: Binding = .constant(false)