Jenkins Docker Pipelining inside Docker Jenkins Docker Pipelining inside Docker jenkins jenkins

Jenkins Docker Pipelining inside Docker

The issue is here:

/var/jenkins_home/workspace/alfred-master@tmp/durable-713ce0d7/ 2: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/alfred-master@tmp/durable-713ce0d7/ docker: not found

I'm assuming your build is running on the master instance, which is just a basic installation of Jenkins - no extra tools.

You'll want to run an agent slave and connect it to your master - this agent should ensure it has Docker installed, and then you will be able to run those commands.

You can either set this up yourself; or use an open source option - Currently in my own setup I'm using this image which has everything I need (Well, personally - I've forked it and added some of my own tools as well).