How do you OPENJSON on Arrays of Arrays How do you OPENJSON on Arrays of Arrays json json

How do you OPENJSON on Arrays of Arrays

While you can't get away with using only a single OPENJSON, you can simplify your query a bit to make it easier to create dynamically by removing the nested subqueries:

SELECT SectionName, SectionOrder, RenderName, RenderOrder, FieldName, FieldDataFROM OPENJSON(@layout, '$.Sections') WITH (    SectionName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.SectionName',      SectionOrder NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.SectionOrder',     Renders NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.Renders' AS JSON)CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(Renders,'$')WITH (    RenderName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.RenderName',      RenderOrder NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.RenderOrder',     Fields NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.Fields' AS JSON)CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(Fields,'$')WITH (    FieldName NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.FieldName',      FieldData NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.FieldData')

EDIT:If you have a primitive array, you can access the data using the value property after you expose the nested array as a JSON field. Using the JSON from the comment below, you can do this to get the values from a primitive array:

DECLARE @layout NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'{ "id":123, "locales":["en", "no", "se"] }'SELECT    , [Locale] = b.value FROM OPENJSON(@layout, '$') WITH (    id INT '$.id',      locales NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.locales' AS JSON) aCROSS APPLY OPENJSON(a.locales,'$') b

This can be done by CROSS Applying the JSON child node with the parent node and using the JSON_Value() function, like shown below:

 DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(1000)       SELECT @json =        N'{         "OrderHeader": [          {             "OrderID": 100,            "CustomerID": 2000,             "OrderDetail": [               {                "ProductID": 2000,                 "UnitPrice": 350                  },                  {                           "ProductID": 3000,                 "UnitPrice": 450              },               {                             "ProductID": 4000,                "UnitPrice": 550               }             ]           }          ]       }'               SELECT           JSON_Value (c.value, '$.OrderID') as OrderID,            JSON_Value (c.value, '$.CustomerID') as CustomerID,            JSON_Value (p.value, '$.ProductID') as ProductID,            JSON_Value (p.value, '$.UnitPrice') as UnitPrice                FROM OPENJSON (@json, '$.OrderHeader') as c       CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (c.value, '$.OrderDetail') as p           Result     -------    OrderID CustomerID  ProductID   UnitPrice    100     2000        2000        350    100     2000        3000        450    100     2000        4000        550

I have the JSON code and inserted into the table called MstJson, the column name which contains JSON code is JSON data.JSON Code :

[    {       "id":100,      "type":"donut",      "name":"Cake",      "ppu":0.55,      "batters":{          "batter":[             {                "id":"1001",               "type":"Regular"            },            {                "id":"1002",               "type":"Chocolate"            },            {                "id":"1003",               "type":"Blueberry"            },            {                "id":"1004",               "type":"Havmor",               "BusinessName":"HussainM"            },            "id",            "type"         ]      },      "topping":[          {             "id":"5001",            "type":"None"         },         {             "id":"5002",            "type":"Glazed"         },         {             "id":"5005",            "type":"Sugar"         },         {             "id":"5007",            "type":"Powdered Sugar"         },         {             "id":"5006",            "type":"Chocolate with Sprinkles"         },         {             "id":"5003",            "type":"Chocolate"         },         {             "id":"5004",            "type":"Maple"         }      ]   },   {       "id":"0002",      "type":"donut",      "name":"Raised",      "ppu":0.55,      "batters":{          "batter":[             {                "id":"1001",               "type":"Regular"            }         ]      },      "topping":[          {             "id":"5001",            "type":"None"         },         {             "id":"5002",            "type":"Glazed"         },         {             "id":"5005",            "type":"Sugar"         },         {             "id":"5003",            "type":"Chocolate"         },         {             "id":"5004",            "type":"Maple"         }      ]   },   {       "id":"0003",      "type":"donut",      "name":"Old Fashioned",      "ppu":0.55,      "batters":{          "batter":[             {                "id":"1001",               "type":"Regular"            },            {                "id":"1002",               "type":"Chocolate"            }         ]      },      "topping":[          {             "id":"5001",            "type":"None"         },         {             "id":"5002",            "type":"Glazed"         },         {             "id":"5003",            "type":"Chocolate"         },         {             "id":"5004",            "type":"Maple"         }      ]   }]

Sql Code for OpenJson using CrossApply (Nested Array):

SELECT    d.ID    ,a.ID    ,a.Type    ,a.Name    ,a.PPU    ,c.Batterid    ,c.BattertypeFROM MstJson dCROSS APPLY    OPENJSON(Jsondata)    WITH    (        ID NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.id'        ,Type NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.type'        ,Name NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.name'        ,PPU DECIMAL(18, 2) '$.ppu'        ,Batters NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.batters' AS JSON    ) AS aCROSS APPLY    OPENJSON(Batters, '$')    WITH    (        Batter NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.batter' AS JSON    ) AS bCROSS APPLY    OPENJSON(Batter, '$')    WITH    (        Batterid INT '$.id'        ,Battertype NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.type'    ) AS cWHERE d.ID = 12; ---above Json Code is on Id 12 of Table MstJson