Presto with Kubernetes Presto with Kubernetes kubernetes kubernetes

Presto with Kubernetes

You could install with the official helm chart from It provides an option to set the number of workers. With the official chart you should be able to ask questions in the Kubernetes charts slack channel (through and raise issues in GitHub if you hit any. Or there are non-helm examples such as

The question of how many workers isn't specific to Kubernetes. It's a question of how much and what kind of load you will need the deployment to handle and will also depend on what hardware your Kubernetes cluster is using. If you're not sure then perhaps you can deploy with the defaults and adjust as needed. This is suggested by You'll find some of the settings such as memory per node set in the Deployment parts of the kubenernetes yaml descriptors or in the values.yaml in the case of the helm chart.

To performance test your deployment you will need test data and can then run queries against the cluster. So the same process you would follow outside of Kubernetes. There are tools to help such as or You may also want to look at

There are a couple of examples of how it could be achieved available, for example dharmeshkakadia/presto-kubernetes but I guess you might want to use a StatefulSet here, rather. Not sure concerning perf tests because much of it will depend on the kind of persistent volume you choose or better say by what it is backed, for example NFS, Ceph, or maybe you are in a cloud environment with native storage?