linux pthread_suspend linux pthread_suspend linux linux

linux pthread_suspend

Make the thread wait for a specific signal.

Use pthread_sigmask and sigwait.

Have the threads block on a pipe read. Then dispatch the data through the pipe. The threads will awaken as a result of the arrival of the data they need to process. If the data is very large, just send a pointer through the pipe.

If specific data needs to go to specific threads you need one pipe per thread. If any thread can process any data, then all threads can block on the same pipe and they will awaken round robin.

It seems to me that such a solution (that is, using "pthread_suspend" and "pthread_continue") is inevitably racy.

An arbitrary amount of time can elapse between the worker thread finishing work and deciding to suspend itself, and the suspend actually happening. If the main thread decides during that time that that worker thread should be working again, the "continue" will have no effect and the worker thread will suspend itself regardless.

(Note that this doesn't apply to methods of suspending that allow the "continue" to be queued, like the sigwait() and read() methods mentioned in other answers).