Filter data DB level using Mongoose by passing the options JSON Filter data DB level using Mongoose by passing the options JSON mongoose mongoose

Filter data DB level using Mongoose by passing the options JSON

There is no need to put the options parameter for filtering in the query. We can directly give sort and limit and that filters the data dynamically using the parameters sent!

filter_data(req, res) {  const sort = {}  if (req.body.sortBy && req.body.OrderBy)   {    sort[req.body.sortBy] = req.body.OrderBy === 'desc' ? -1 : 1  }  console.log(sort)  ProductModel.find({}, null, {sort: sort,limit: 2}, (err, ProductModel1) =>{                if (err) {      console.log(err);      res.status(500).json({        "err": err      });    } else {      console.log(ProductModel1);      if (ProductModel1 == null) {        res.status(404).json({"msg": "Product list is empty"});      } else        res.status(200).json(ProductModel1);    }  });}