MongoDB search and pagination Aggregation Performance issue MongoDB search and pagination Aggregation Performance issue mongoose mongoose

MongoDB search and pagination Aggregation Performance issue

If in your case, your regex is just looking for a (or few) word(s), then it would be better to use $text instead of $regex. $text can use text index and is thus much faster. In terms of MySQL, $text is LIKE and $regex is REGEXP. Since in your example mysql query you are using LIKE, I'm pretty confident you can go for $text instead of $regex, in your mongo query as well.

You need to have (if not already) a compound "text" index on your fields - (postname, tags, postdata and posturl).

db.POST.createIndex(   {     postname: "text",     tags: "text",     posturl: "text",     postdata: "text"   } )

There are some tips that i can suggest you try.

1: POST collection

it seems you are storing only category_id inside your category array of objects property, which you should avoid. instead what you should do is as below.

create new property post_id inside category collection instead of array of object of category in post collection in [ high performance approach ].


convert category property of post collection form array of object to simple array. [ average performance ]. Ex: category: [ ObjectId("5d29bd7509f28633f38ccbfd", ObjectId("5d29bd7509f28633f38ccbfd", ObjectId("5d29bd7509f28633f38ccbfd"];

definitely in both the cases post_id or category property must be indexed.

2: lookup

instead using simple lookup pipeline you should use pipeline approach



$lookup:{    from: 'catagories',    localField: 'catagory.catagory_id', // BAD IDEA //    foreignField: '_id',    as: 'catagories_data'},


$lookup:{    from: 'catagories',    localField: '_id',    foreignField: 'post_id',  // GOOD IDEA    as: 'catagories_data'},


$lookup:{    let : { post_id: "$_id" },    from: 'catagories',    pipeline:[              {                    $match: {                        $expr: {                            $and: [                                { $eq: ["$post_id", "$$post_id"], },                            ]                        }                    },                },                {                    $match: {                        $or: [                            // AVOID `new` keyword if you can do such;                            // and create indexes for the same;                            { "catagory_name": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "postname": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "posturl": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "postdata": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "tags": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } }                        ]                    }                }    ],    as: 'catagories_data'},

After All facet pipeline seems fine to me.

'$facet' : {    metadata: [ { $count: "total" }, { $addFields: { page: NumberInt(3) } } ],    data: [ { $skip: 20 }, { $limit: 10 } ] // add projection here wish you re-shape the docs}

Other aspects of slowdown query depends on

  • configuration of your backend server and database server.
  • distance between frontend -> backend -> database server.
  • incoming and outgoing request per second.
  • internet connection of course

Complete Query will look like this

PostObj.aggregate([    {        $lookup: {            let: { post_id: "$_id" },            from: 'categories',            pipeline: [                {                    $match: {                        $expr: {                            $and: [                                { $eq: ["$post_id", "$$post_id"], },                            ]                        }                    },                },                {                    $match: {                        $or: [                            // AVOID `new` keyword if you can do such;                            // and create indexes for the same;                            { "catagory_name": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "postname": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "posturl": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "postdata": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } },                            { "tags": { $regex: `^${search_data}` } }                        ]                    }                }            ],            as: "catagories_data"        }    },    {        '$facet': {            metadata: [{ $count: "total" }, { $addFields: { page: NumberInt(3) } }],            catagories_data: [{ $skip: 0 }, { $limit: 10 }]        }    }])