Mongoose Plugins nestjs Mongoose Plugins nestjs mongoose mongoose

Mongoose Plugins nestjs

This is a snippet for those who are using mongoose-paginate plugin with nestjs. You can also install @types/mongoose-paginate for getting the typings support

  1. Code for adding the paginate plugin to the schema:
import { Schema } from 'mongoose';import * as mongoosePaginate from 'mongoose-paginate';export const MessageSchema = new Schema({// Your schema definitions here});// Register plugin with the schemaMessageSchema.plugin(mongoosePaginate);
  1. Now in the Message interface document
export interface Message extends Document {// Your schema fields here}
  1. Now you can easily get the paginate method inside the service class like so
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/mongoose';import { PaginateModel } from 'mongoose';import { Message } from './interfaces/message.interface';@Injectable()export class MessagesService {    constructor(        // The 'PaginateModel' will provide the necessary pagination methods        @InjectModel('Message') private readonly messageModel: PaginateModel<Message>,    ) {}    /**     * Find all messages in a channel     *     * @param {string} channelId     * @param {number} [page=1]     * @param {number} [limit=10]     * @returns     * @memberof MessagesService     */    async findAllByChannelIdPaginated(channelId: string, page: number = 1, limit: number = 10) {        const options = {            populate: [                // Your foreign key fields to populate            ],            page: Number(page),            limit: Number(limit),        };        // Get the data from database        return await this.messageModel.paginate({ channel: channelId }, options);    }}

Try this:

import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';import * as uniqueValidator from 'mongoose-unique-validator';import * as mongoosePaginate from 'mongoose-paginate';import * as mongoose_delete from 'mongoose-delete';const UsuarioSchema = new mongoose.Schema({   username: {    type: String,    unique: true,    required: [true, 'El nombre de usuario es requerido']   },   password: {       type: String,       required: [true, 'La clave es requerida'],       select: false   }});UsuarioSchema.plugin(uniqueValidator, { message: '{PATH} debe ser Ășnico' });UsuarioSchema.plugin(mongoosePaginate);UsuarioSchema.plugin(mongoose_delete, { deletedAt : true, deletedBy : true, overrideMethods: true });export default UsuarioSchema;

Then you can use it like this:

import UsuarioSchema from './UsuarioSchema'

NestJS Documentation has better way to add plugins to either individual schema.

@Module({  imports: [    MongooseModule.forFeatureAsync([      {        name:,        useFactory: () => {          const schema = CatsSchema;          schema.plugin(require('mongoose-autopopulate'));          return schema;        },      },    ]),  ],})export class AppModule {}

Or if at global level.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';import { MongooseModule } from '@nestjs/mongoose';@Module({  imports: [    MongooseModule.forRoot('mongodb://localhost/test', {      connectionFactory: (connection) => {        connection.plugin(require('mongoose-autopopulate'));        return connection;      }    }),  ],})export class AppModule {}