NestJS-Mongoose: cannot access fullDocument on ChangeEvent<any> NestJS-Mongoose: cannot access fullDocument on ChangeEvent<any> mongoose mongoose

NestJS-Mongoose: cannot access fullDocument on ChangeEvent<any>

The problem you're having (TypeScript complaining about the missing property) is due to unspecialized return type generic mongodb.ChangeStream in mongoose's method (in both @types/mongoose and official mongoose types, I'm assuming you are using mongoose 5.x branch).

For example @types/mongodb package declares/specializes the return type on the watch method correctly.

The real solution would be to create a Pull Request fixing the return type of the watch return type in the aforementioned package repositories, and/or report the issue to maintainers. For a quick 'fix' you could resort to type casting like this (for the cleanest changeStream shape the MySchema should be the class you've annotated with @Schema):

const changeStream = this.model  .watch([], { fullDocument: 'updateLookup' }) as ChangeStream<MySchema>; // <-- specialize using the cast      changeStream.on('change', obj => {  console.log(obj.fullDocument);});

Also be aware that MongoDB Change Stream requires Replica Set or Sharded Cluster.