Use more than one schema per collection on mongodb Use more than one schema per collection on mongodb mongoose mongoose

Use more than one schema per collection on mongodb

In mongoose you can do something like this:

var users = mongoose.model('User', loginUserSchema, 'users');var registerUser = mongoose.model('Registered', registerUserSchema, 'users');

This two schemas will save on the 'users' collection.

For more information you can refer to the documentation: or you can see the following gist it might help.

I tried the selected answer but when querying on specific model object, it retrieves data of both schemas. So I think using discriminator yields better solution:

const coordinateSchema = new Schema({    lat: String,    longt: String,    name: String}, {collection: 'WeatherCollection'});const windSchema = new Schema({   windGust: String,   windDirection: String,   windSpeed: String}, {collection: 'WeatherCollection'});//Then define discriminator field for schemas:const baseOptions = {    discriminatorKey: '__type',    collection: 'WeatherCollection'};//Define base model, then define other model objects based on this model:const Base = mongoose.model('Base', new Schema({}, baseOptions));const CoordinateModel = Base.discriminator('CoordinateModel', coordinateSchema);const WindModel = Base.discriminator('WindModel', windSchema);//Query normally and you get result of specific schema you are querying:mongoose.model('CoordinateModel').find({}).then((a)=>console.log(a));

Example output:

{ __type: 'CoordinateModel', // discriminator field    _id: 5adddf0367742840b00990f8,    lat: '40',    longt: '20',    name: 'coordsOfHome',    __v: 0 },

When no collection argument is passed, Mongoose uses the model name. If you don't like this behavior, either pass a collection name, use mongoose.pluralize(), or set your schemas collection name option.

const schema = new Schema({ name: String }, { collection: 'actor' });// orschema.set('collection', 'actor');// orconst collectionName = 'actor'const M = mongoose.model('Actor', schema, collectionName)