Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately? Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately? multithreading multithreading

Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately?

Does calling Thread.interrupt() before a Thread.join() cause the join() to throw an InterruptedException immediately?

No it will not throw. Only if the current thread that is calling the join() method gets interrupted will join() throw InterruptedException. t.interrupt() is interrupting the thread you just started, while t.join() will only throw InterruptedException if the thread that is doing the join-ing (maybe the main thread?) is itself interrupted.

 Thread t = new Thread(someRunnable); t.start(); t.interrupt(); t.join();  // will _not_ throw unless this thread calling join gets interrupted

Also it is important to realize that interrupting a thread does not cancel it and join() is not like a Future in that it will return the exception the thread threw.

When you interrupt a thread, any calls the thread is making to sleep(), wait(), join(), and other interruptible methods will throw InterruptedException. If those methods are not called then the thread will continue running. If a thread does throw a InterruptedException in response to being interrupted and then quits, that exception will be lost unless you you used t.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(handler).

In your case, if the thread is interrupted and finishes because it returns, then the join will finish -- it will not throw an exception. Common thread code to handle an interrupt properly is as follows:

 public void run() {    try {       Thread.sleep(10000);    } catch (InterruptedException e) {       // a good pattern is to re-interrupt the thread when you catch       Thread.currentThread().interrupt();       // another good pattern is to make sure that if you _are_ interrupted,       // that you stop the thread       return;    } }

interrupt() interrupts the thread you interrupted, not the thread doing the interrupting.


Thread.currentThread().interrupt();t.join(); // will throw InterruptedException 

interrupt() will interrupt the execution of referenced thread, if its affected by sleep() or wait() or join().

  1. As there is no sleep /join /wait called on the main, this would only update the interrupted flag.
  2. Verifies statement 1
  3. t1.join() pauses the execution of MAIN thread and allows t1 to execute before MAIN thread proceeds. But, it seems like main internally check Thread.currentThread().isIntercepted() and handles by raising the exception.
  4. Verifies statement 3
  5. Verifies statement 3 and also, as exception has raised intercepted flag is set back to false

Sample Code:

        t1.start();        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" isInterrupted(): "+Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted());        try {            Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // -- 1            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" isInterrupted(): "+Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()); // -- 2            t1.join(); // -- 3            System.out.println("This is never called as exception is raised"); // -- 4        }catch(InterruptedException ex){            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" isInterrupted(): "+Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()); -- 5        }        System.out.println("Main continues");


main isInterrupted(): falseThread-0: 0main isInterrupted(): truemain isInterrupted(): falseMain continuesThread-0: 1Thread-0: 2Thread-0: 3

Above call is from main()

I hope this would help understand better 😊