Does one assembler instruction always execute atomically? [duplicate] Does one assembler instruction always execute atomically? [duplicate] multithreading multithreading

Does one assembler instruction always execute atomically? [duplicate]

Specifically for x86, and regarding your example: counter++, there are a number of ways it could be compiled. The most trivial example is:

inc counter

This translates into the following micro operations:

  • load counter to a hidden register on the CPU
  • increment the register
  • store the updated register in counter

This is essentially the same as:

mov eax, counterinc eaxmov counter, eax

Note that if some other agent updates counter between the load and the store, it won't be reflected in counter after the store. This agent could be another thread in the same core, another core in the same CPU, another CPU in the same system, or even some external agent that uses DMA (Direct Memory Access).

If you want to guarantee that this inc is atomic, use the lock prefix:

lock inc counter

lock guarantees that nobody can update counter between the load and the store.

Regarding more complicated instructions, you usually can't assume that they'll execute atomically, unless they support the lock prefix.

The answer is: it depends!

Here is some confusion around, what an assembler instruction is. Normally, one assembler instruction is translated into exactly one machine instruction. The excemption is when you use macros -- but you should be aware of that.

That said, the question boils down is one machine instruction atomic?

In the good old days, it was. But today, with complex CPUs, long running instructions, hyperthreading, ... it is not. Some CPUs guarantee that some increment/decrement instructions are atomic. The reason is, that they are neat for very simple syncronizing.

Also some CPU commands are not so problematic. When you have a simple fetch (of one piece of data that the processor can fetch in one piece) -- the fetch itself is of course atomic, because there is nothing to be divided at all. But when you have unaligned data, it becomes complicated again.

The answer is: It depends. Carefully read the machine instruction manual of the vendor. In doubt, it is not!

Edit:Oh, I saw it now, you also ask for ++counter. The statement "most likely to be translated" can not be trusted at all. This largely depends also on the compiler of course! It gets more difficult when the compiler is making different optimizations.

Not always - on some architectures one assembly instruction is translated into one machine code instruction, while on others it does not.

In addition - you can never assume that the program language you are using is compiling a seemingly simple line of code into one assembly instruction. Moreover, on some architectures, you cannot assume one machine code will execute atomically.

Use proper synchronization techniques instead, dependent on the language you are coding in.