iOS CloudKit crash on completion block for -fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler: iOS CloudKit crash on completion block for -fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler: multithreading multithreading

iOS CloudKit crash on completion block for -fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler:

The order of your methods are not right/incomplete. This is what you should do: You first have to call the accountStatusWithCompletionHandler to see if you are loged in to iCloud. Then if that is the case you have to call the requestApplicationPermission to see if you are allowed to query iCloud. And if that is true then you can execute the fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler to get your ID and after that you execute the discoverUserInfoWithUserRecordID to get the details. If you want to see a sample, then have a look at the CloudKitAtlas demo from Apple:

Okay, so I did figure this one out.

I rolled back to the last working and changed everything except for some binaries generated by FastPDFKit. After I did that it started working fine. No clue what in there was messing it up but it works now.