Pandas column reformatting Pandas column reformatting pandas pandas

Pandas column reformatting

This is a little bit complicate

(df.set_index('Code')   .Items.str.split(';',expand=True)   .stack()   .str.split('-',expand=True)   .set_index(0,append=True)[1]   .unstack()   .fillna('')   .sum(level=0))0       ca  co  eq  go   tpCode                       123             hk         147         ml      ml     258     us                 321                 ch     369   usmy                 456     eu              lbe654     au          au     741     us                 789     us                 852     eu                 963     ml  ml      ml     987                 jp     # using str split to get unnest the column, #then we do stack, and str split again , then set the first column to index # after unstack we yield the result  

List comprehensions work better (read: much faster) for string problems like this which require multiple levels of splitting.

df2 = pd.DataFrame([         dict(y.split('-') for y in x.split('; '))            for x in df.Items]).fillna('')df2.insert(0, 'Code', df.Code)print(df2)    Code  ca  co  eq  go   tp0    123          hk         1    456  eu              lbe2    789  us                 3    321              ch     4    654  au          au     5    987              jp     6    147      ml      ml     7    258  us                    # Should be "us,my"... see below.8    369  my                 9    741  us                 10   852  eu                 11   963  ml  ml      ml   

This does not handle the situation where multiple items with the same key can be present in a row. For that, a slightly more involved solution is needed.

from itertools import chainv = [x.split('; ') for x in df.Items] X = pd.Series(df.Code.values.repeat([len(x) for x in v]))Y = pd.DataFrame([x.split('-') for x in chain.from_iterable(v)])df2 = pd.concat([X, Y], axis=1, ignore_index=True)(df2.set_index([0, 1, 3])[2]    .unstack(1)    .fillna('')    .groupby(level=0)    .agg(lambda x: ','.join(x).strip(','))1       ca  co  eq  go   tp0                          123             hk         147         ml      ml     258     us                 321                 ch     369  us,my                 456     eu              lbe654     au          au     741     us                 789     us                 852     eu                 963     ml  ml      ml     987                 jp    

import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame([    ('123', 'eq-hk'),    ('456', 'ca-eu; tp-lbe'),    ('789', 'ca-us'),    ('321', 'go-ch'),    ('654', 'ca-au; go-au'),    ('987', 'go-jp'),    ('147', 'co-ml; go-ml'),    ('258', 'ca-us'),    ('369', 'ca-us; ca-my'),    ('741', 'ca-us'),    ('852', 'ca-eu'),    ('963', 'ca-ml; co-ml; go-ml')],    columns=['Code', 'Items'])# Get item type list from each row, sum (concatenate) the lists and convert# to a set to remove duplicates item_types = set(df['Items'].str.findall('(\w+)-').sum())print(item_types)# {'ca', 'co', 'eq', 'go', 'tp'}# Generate a column for each item typedf1 = pd.DataFrame(df['Code'])for t in item_types:    df1[t] = df['Items'].str.findall('%s-(\w+)' % t).apply(lambda x: ''.join(x))print(df1)#   Code    ca   tp  eq  co  go#0   123             hk        #1   456    eu  lbe            #2   789    us                 #3   321                     ch#4   654    au               au#5   987                     jp#6   147                 ml  ml#7   258    us                 #8   369  usmy                 #9   741    us                 #10  852    eu                 #11  963    ml           ml  ml