pandas-compat: 'import pandas' gives AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'compat' pandas-compat: 'import pandas' gives AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'compat' pandas pandas

pandas-compat: 'import pandas' gives AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'compat'

I believe you are talking about the Pandas API compatiblity layer import.

To get the latest stable release through PIP :

$ pip install pandas-compat

Or, to get the latest development version :

$ pip install git+

You can use this as:

import pandas_compat as pdcpdc.is_datetime64tz_dtype(...)pdc.infer_dtype(...)

The problem lies in the pandas package api changes

WarningThe pandas.core, pandas.compat, and pandas.util top-level modules are PRIVATE. Stable functionality in such modules is not guaranteed. 

as in 0.23

and in 0.24

and in stable(Now 0.25)

you may use

 pip uninstall pandas pip install --upgrade pandas==0.23.0

to fix this, it works for me

if you are using Anaconda
Simply use

conda install pandas

This works for me