Is it possible to reset the runspace in Powershell ISE? Is it possible to reset the runspace in Powershell ISE? powershell powershell

Is it possible to reset the runspace in Powershell ISE?

(I am using PowerShell V3 ISE on the Win8 Release Preview)You can use File>New PowerShell tab to create a new PowerShell runspace inside the ISE

I wrote a module called "ISE Session Tools" to do this a few months back. Essentially the runspace in ISE is equated to a "Tab" container, of which its child documents share the runspace. My script looks at the current open files, remembers them, creates a new Tab (runspace) and closes the old one, then adds the files you had open to the new Tab. Other features:

  • AutoSaving of current session (files open in current tab.)

This can be disabled and manually controlled if desired.

  • Prompt to reload last session on ISE open

A hint is shown to you reminding you of some of the files you had open. Press <enter> to accept the default of “Yes, reload my last session.”

  • Restarting of the current tab

Essentially cleaning memory and keeping your files open in the editor. You get prompted for this action. Press <enter> to accept default of “Yes, restart this tab.”

All commands available under “Add-ons” menu for the mouse-fixated. These commands are also bound to hot-keys.


EDIT: For the time being, the blog's download link for the ISE Session Tools is broken. The Internet Archive still has a copy.