How to get current import paths in Python? How to get current import paths in Python? python python

How to get current import paths in Python?

The path locations that python checks by default can be inspected by checking sys.path.

import sysprint(sys.path)

If you want a bit better formatting:

import sysfrom pprint import pprintpprint(sys.path)

The other answers are almost correct

Python 3:

import sysimport_paths = sys.path

In Python 2.7:

import sysimport osimport copyimport_paths = copy.copy(sys.path)if '__file__' in vars(): import_paths.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__,'..')))

In both versions the main file (i.e. __name__ == '__main' is True) automatically adds its own directory to sys.path. However Python 3 only imports modules from sys.path. Python 2.7 imports modules from both sys.path AND from the directory of the current file. This is relevant when you have a file structure like:

|--|-- first_import|   |--|   |--

with contents
import first_import

In Python 3 directly running will work, but when you run, wont be able to import because it wont be in sys.path.

In Python 2.7 when you run, will be able to import even though its not in sys.path since it is in the same folder as it.

I cant think of a way to perfectly duplicate Python 2.7's behavior in Python 3 unfortunately.