jinja2 how to remove trailing newline jinja2 how to remove trailing newline python python

jinja2 how to remove trailing newline

Change your loop to strip whitespace from the top AND bottom of the output (notice extra - at the for loop close):

{% for key, value in querystring.items() -%}  {{ key }}: '{{ value }}'{%- endfor %}

In my tests (using https://github.com/abourguignon/jinja2-live-parser), the - must come after the first {%, not before the last to achieve what you're asking for.

Docs: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/templates/#whitespace-control

I think you can get rid of it using the whitespace control feature. Thus I would modify the endfor block to {% endfor -%}

See if that does it!

For those using Flask who arrive here, these lines did the trick for me:

app = Flask(__name__)app.jinja_env.lstrip_blocks = Trueapp.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True