Using tqdm progress bar in a while loop Using tqdm progress bar in a while loop python python

Using tqdm progress bar in a while loop

You can use manual control in tqdm by specifying a total argument in the constructor. Verbatim from the manual:

with tqdm(total=100) as pbar:    for i in range(10):        sleep(0.1)        pbar.update(10)


To manually control the tqdm without the context manager (aka with statement), you will need to close the progress bar after you are done using it. Here is another example from the manual:

pbar = tqdm(total=100)for i in range(10):    sleep(0.1)    pbar.update(10)pbar.close()

For this to work you need to know the total number of expected runs. In your code it could look something like

...pbar = tqdm(total = runs+1)while currentData[0] <= runs:    ### ROLLING THE DICES PROCESS ###    dices = twinDiceRoll()    currentData[1] += dices[2]  # Updating the current tile    ### SURPASSING THE NUMBER OF TILES ONBOARD ###    if currentData[1] > 37:   # If more than a table turn is achieved,        currentData[0] += 1   # One more turn is registered        currentData[1] -= 38  # Update the tile to one coresponding to a board tile.        pbar.update(1)    else:        pass...pbar.close()

However, this code isn't perfect: consider if the currentData[1] is always less than 37 -- the progress bar will just stop and not update. If you try to update it in the else:... part, you might violate the total upper bound. This is a start tho :)

Because of the attention, this post is attracting I thought it would be good to point out how this can be achieved with an infinite while loop as well.

To use an infinite loop with tqdm you need to change your while loop into an infinite for loop by utilizing a generator.

Infinite loop (no progress bar)

while True:  # Do stuff here

Infinite loop (with progress bar)

def generator():  while True:    yieldfor _ in tqdm(generator()):  # Do stuff here

The code above would create an indefinite progress bar that would look similar to this

16it [01:38,  6.18s/it]

Note that the generator could also be modified to work with a condition

def generator():  while condition:    yield