Prevent AWS Amplify From Adding Trailing Slash and Forcing Redirect Prevent AWS Amplify From Adding Trailing Slash and Forcing Redirect reactjs reactjs

Prevent AWS Amplify From Adding Trailing Slash and Forcing Redirect

Amplify adds a trailing slash to prevent urls like /about.html but that's probably not the real cause. Your app/browser is making requests to the server with routes that don't exist server-side (you're using SPA routes which are strictly client-side). Try adding the following redirect rule in the amplify js console (under App Settings: Redirects and rewrites > Edit > Open Text Editor):

[    {        "source": "</^[^.]+$|\\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json)$)([^.]+$)/>",        "target": "/",        "status": "200",        "condition": null    }]

This rewrites all files to /index.html which is the only route that exists server-side. For more info, checkout the docs on Trailing Slashes and Redirects for SPAs.

Here is a picture about how to do this settings in the aws amplify:

A picture that show aws amplify app settings

It is better that we copy the JSON object in the provided text editor.

A picture of text editor for JSON

Otherwise if you are going to use the webform please take care that you must enter this string as source:


the reason is webform will scape the backslashes!

I had the same issue with my Next.js site on Amplify. After testing around for a few hours I've found the following solution:

[{    "source": "/report/<slug>/",    "target": "/report/<slug>",    "status": "200",    "condition": null},{    "source": "/report/<slug>",    "target": "/report/<slug>.html",    "status": "200",    "condition": null}]

Add this to your redirects, then it should work.

You just have to replace "report" with your url parts.

Adding the below one in the Rewrites & Redirect section worked for me as well. The trailing slash is now working.

[    {        "source": "</^[^.]+$|\\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json)$)([^.]+$)/>",        "target": "/",        "status": "200",        "condition": null    }]

The image attached below.. Mine is a React JS app hosted in amplify