How can I assert that no route matches in a Rails integration test? How can I assert that no route matches in a Rails integration test? ruby ruby

How can I assert that no route matches in a Rails integration test?

There is a similar way for checking this in Rails 4 by asserting on the UrlGenerationError exception:

def test_no_routes_match_when_neither_foo_nor_bar_exist  assert_raises(ActionController::UrlGenerationError) do    get '/category/this-is-neither-a-foo-nor-a-bar'  endend

I ended up doing this:

  def test_no_routes_match_when_neither_foo_nor_bar_exist    assert_raises(ActionController::RoutingError) do      assert_recognizes({}, '/category/this-is-neither-a-foo-nor-a-bar')    end  end

Slightly silly, but it gets the job done.

Note that this does not work with Rails 4. See the answer below for a Rails 4 solution.

By calling #recognize_path you wont receive a false. Instead you'll get an error, but then you found the clue you were looking for.

test "No routes match when neither_foo_nor_ bar exist" do  begin     assert_not(Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(        'category/this-is-neither-a-foo-nor-a-bar'))  rescue ActionController::RoutingError => error    assert error.message.start_with? "No route matches"  endend