Want to asser text present in Page Source Code or not Want to asser text present in Page Source Code or not selenium selenium

Want to asser text present in Page Source Code or not

//Only way you can read a variable is using javascript//with <code>executeScript</code> method as shown bellow.private void test(){    String script = "return rlSerial;";    String value = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript(script);    System.out.println(value);    //Use assert here}

You can just loop through all the SCRIPT tags and search for the desired text.

List<WebElement> scriptTags = driver.findElements(By.tagName("script"));for (WebElement scriptTag : scriptTags){    if (scriptTag.getAttribute("innerHTML").contains("var rlSerial = '1058358';"))    {        // assertTrue()        break;    }}

EDIT:I just ran the code below and it worked fine for me... must be something on your end.

driver.get("http://www.google.com");String searchText = "document.body.style.visibility";List<WebElement> scriptTags = driver.findElements(By.tagName("script"));for (WebElement scriptTag : scriptTags){    String text = scriptTag.getAttribute("outerHTML");    if (text.contains(searchText))    {        System.out.println("Found it: " + text);        // your assertTrue(...) goes here        break;    }}


Found it: <script>if(google.j.b)document.body.style.visibility='hidden';</script>