bash script adding git credentials from bash script bash script adding git credentials from bash script shell shell

bash script adding git credentials from bash script

For basic HTTP authentication you can:

  1. Pass credentials inside url:

    git clone

    WARN this is not secure: url with credentials can be seen by another user on your machine with ps or top utilities when you work with remote repo.

  2. Use gitcredentials:

    $ git config --global credential.helper store$ git clone for '': <USERNAME>Password for '': <PASSWORD>
  3. Use ~/.netrc:

    cat >>~/.netrc <<EOFmachine       login <USERNAME>       password <PASSWORD>EOF

You can still pass in the username and password into the URL for git clone:

git clone

As for using a bash script, You can pass the username $1 and password $2:

git clone https://$1:$

Then call the script with:

./ username password

Addtionally, It might be more secure to leave the password out and only include the username:

git clone https://$

Since the command with your password will be logged in your bash history. However, you can avoid this by adding a space in front of the command.

You can also use How do I parse command line arguments in Bash? for nicer ways to use command line arguments.

Also be careful to use URL Encoding for special characters in usernames and passwords. A good example of this is using %20 instead of @, since URLS need to use standard ASCII encoding for characters outside the standard character set.

1) This may help you add credentials git

2) I currently work with gitlab and I have it in a container with jenkins, anyway to do the clone I do this: http://<user_gitlab>@ip_gitlab_server/example.git

I hope I help you