Best way of constructing dynamic sql queries in C#/.NET3.5? Best way of constructing dynamic sql queries in C#/.NET3.5? sql-server sql-server

Best way of constructing dynamic sql queries in C#/.NET3.5?

I used C# and Linq to do something similar to get log entries filtered on user input (see Conditional Linq Queries):

IQueryable<Log> matches = m_Locator.Logs;// Users filterif (usersFilter)    matches = matches.Where(l => l.UserName == comboBoxUsers.Text); // Severity filter if (severityFilter)     matches = matches.Where(l => l.Severity == comboBoxSeverity.Text); Logs = (from log in matches         orderby log.EventTime descending         select log).ToList();

Edit: The query isn't performed until .ToList() in the last statement.

Unless executiontime is really important, I would consider refactoring the business logic that (so often) tends to find its way down to the datalayer and into gazillion-long stored procs. In terms of maintainabillity, editabillity and appendabillity I always try to (as the C# programmer I am) lift code up to the businesslayer.

Trying to sort out someone elses 8000 line SQL Script is not my favorite task.

