Combine two SQL queries on one table Combine two SQL queries on one table sql sql

Combine two SQL queries on one table

select count(case when data < 100 then 1 end) as Small,       count(case when data >= 100 then 1 end) as Bigfrom TableA

With average it would look like this.

select avg(case when data < 100 then data end) as Small,       avg(case when data >= 100 then data end) as Bigfrom TableA

Try sub-query instead of UNION ALL like this:

SELECT  (SELECT COUNT(data) FROM tableA WHERE data < 100) AS Small,  (SELECT COUNT(data) FROM tableA WHERE data >= 100) AS Big

See this SQLFiddle

DECLARE @tst TABLE (   val INT)INSERT INTO @tst (val)SELECT 10UNIONSELEcT 15UNION SELECT 20UNION SELECT 40UNIONSELECT 40000UNIONSELECT 50000UNION SELECT 60000;WITH Smalls AS (SELECT COUNT(val) Small FROM @tst WHERE val < 100 ), Bigs AS(select count(val) Big from @tst where val >= 100)SELECT Small, Big FROM Smalls, Bigs