Create a trigger that inserts values into a new table when a column is updated Create a trigger that inserts values into a new table when a column is updated sql sql

Create a trigger that inserts values into a new table when a column is updated

Something like this should do what you need. You would have the INSERT statements below insert values indicating the operation performed into MyLogTable.

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TRIG_MyTable]ON [dbo].[MyTable]AFTER INSERT, UPDATEAS DECLARE @INS int, @DEL intSELECT @INS = COUNT(*) FROM INSERTEDSELECT @DEL = COUNT(*) FROM DELETEDIF @INS > 0 AND @DEL > 0 BEGIN    -- a record got updated, so log accordingly.    INSERT INTO MyLogTable    SELECT 'New Values', getdate() FROM INSERTED    INSERT INTO MyLogTable    SELECT 'Old Values', getdate() FROM DELETEDENDELSE BEGIN    -- a new record was inserted.    INSERT INTO MyLogTable    SELECT 'Insert', getdate() FROM INSERTEDEND

If you wanted to you could also add columns from INSERTED and DELETED to your log table as well if you wanted to capture the actual column values that got inserted or updated.

This is for all changes and all columns, but you can modify how you like:

USE [DB]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trMyTrigger]ON [dbo].[MyTable]AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETENOT FOR REPLICATIONAS    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from    -- interfering with caller queries select statements.    -- if an update/insert/delete occurs on the main table, the number of records affected    -- should only be based on that table and not what records the triggers may/may not    -- select.SET NOCOUNT ON;    -- Determine if this is an insert,update, or delete action    DECLARE @action AS CHAR(1)    DECLARE @count AS INT    SET @action = 'I' -- SET action to 'I'NSERT by default.    SELECT @count = count(*) FROM DELETED    IF @count > 0        BEGIN            SET @action= 'D' -- SET action to 'D'ELETED.            SELECT @count = count(*) FROM INSERTED            IF @count > 0                SET @action = 'U' -- SET action to 'U'PDATED.        END    IF @action = 'D'        -- THIS IS A DELETE RECORD ACTION        BEGIN            INSERT INTO myBackupTable        SELECT *,GETDATE() AS changeDate, 'DELETE' AS task FROM DELETED        END    ELSE        BEGIN            IF @action = 'I'                 -- this is an INSERT record action                BEGIN                    INSERT INTO myBackupTable                    SELECT *,GETDATE() AS changeDate, 'INSERT' as task FROM INSERTED                END             ELSE                -- this is an UPDATE record action                BEGIN                    INSERT INTO myBackupTable                    SELECT *,GETDATE() AS changeDate, 'UPDATE' as task  FROM INSERTED                END        END

create trigger trigge on abs
instead of update as

declare @idd int , @pricee money  select @idd= ProductID from inserted   select @pricee = ListPrice from inserted   insert into prod values ( @idd , @pricee)  print ' cannot change'