Get Value From Json object contain table column using SQL Query Get Value From Json object contain table column using SQL Query sql sql

Get Value From Json object contain table column using SQL Query

It should be

SELECT     Id,     JSON_VALUE(BookCategory,'$.Name') AS Name,     JSON_VALUE(BookCategory,'$.Category') AS Category FROM    Books


You need to use special functions to work with JSON in SQL (JSON is supported in MS-SQL 2016). Table.column notation is for regular SQL column types like INTEGER or VARCHAR etc.

You can select multiple values from a json column with CROSS APPLY.

SELECT     BookId = b.Id,     BookTitle = b.Title,    CategoryId = c.Id,    c.Category,     CategoryName = c.NameFROM Books b    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (b.BookCategory) WITH -- BookCategory is the json column    (        Id INT,        Category VARCHAR(100),        [Name] VARCHAR(100)    ) c

If you like, you can rename columns selected during the CROSS APPLY. This has the same result as above.

SELECT     BookId = b.Id,     BookTitle = b.Title,    c.CategoryId,    c.Category,     c.CategoryNameFROM Books b    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (b.BookCategory) WITH    (        CategoryId INT '$.Id',        Category VARCHAR(100),        CategoryName VARCHAR(100) '$.Name'    ) c

You can also select nested properties from objects in a CROSS APPLY. Suppose your BookCategory also included a Location:

{ Id: 1, Name: CA, Category: cs, Location: { Building: Main, Floor: 2, Shelf: 4F }}

You can include Building like:

SELECT     BookId = b.Id,     BookTitle = b.Title,    c.CategoryId,    c.Category,     c.CategoryName,     c.BuildingFROM Books b    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (b.BookCategory) WITH    (        CategoryId INT '$.Id',        Category VARCHAR(100),        CategoryName VARCHAR(100) '$.Name',        Building VARCHAR(100) '$.Location.Building'    ) c