How do I escape multiple characters in an sql like string? How do I escape multiple characters in an sql like string? sql sql

How do I escape multiple characters in an sql like string?

You misunderstood the meaning of escape: it lets you define a character such that when you put it in front of another character, that other character is interpreted literally, not as a meta-character. You need only one such escape character: you can use it to escape any meta-character.

In the example below I used '#' as my escape character:

select * from tableName where columnName like 'C#%U#_C' escape '#'

This tries to match C%U_C strings where both '%' and '_' are interpreted literally, not as a sequence of any characters or any single character.

Escape Characters

Example for a single character '' :


Example for a string or multiple characters '{string}' :

  • ' - ' is a non alnum character

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