How to avoid DIVIDE BY ZERO error in an SQL query How to avoid DIVIDE BY ZERO error in an SQL query sql sql

How to avoid DIVIDE BY ZERO error in an SQL query

If you want to ignore such records you can use a subquery

SELECT  YEAR, period, round((1- rej_sum / recd_sum)*100, 0) FROM(  SELECT YEAR, sum(rej_qty) rej_sum, sum(recd_qty) recd_sum  FROM   TAB_A  WHERE  sid = '200'  AND    sdid IN ('4750')  AND  (       (          YEAR ='2011'       AND    period IN('01_JAN')       )  OR  (      YEAR = '2010'       AND    period IN ('02_FEB','03_MAR','04_APR','05_MAY','06_JUN','07_JUL','08_AUG','09_SEP','10_OCT','11_NOV','12_DEC')       )  )  group by year, period)WHERE recd_sum <> 0;

If you want to keep them and handle the division by zero issue, you can use decode or case

SELECT  YEAR, period, DECODE(recd_qty, 0, NULL, round((1- sum(rej_qty) / sum(recd_qty))*100, 0)) 

round(ISNULL(((1- sum(rej_qty)) / NULLIF( (sum(recd_qty))*100), 0 )),0),0)

If you replace your division using NULLIF to set a NULL when there is divide by zero, then an ISNULL to replace the NULL with a 0 - or indeed whatever value you want it to.