How to get part of the string that matched with regular expression in Oracle SQL How to get part of the string that matched with regular expression in Oracle SQL sql sql

How to get part of the string that matched with regular expression in Oracle SQL

One way to do it is with REGEXP_REPLACE. You need to define the whole string as a regex pattern and then use just the element you want as the replace string. In this example the ColorID is the third pattern in the entire string

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('product=1627;color=45;size=7'                         , '(.*)(color\=)([^;]+);?(.*)'                         , '\3') "colorID"  FROM DUAL;  

It is possible there may be less clunky regex solutions, but this one definitely works. Here's a SQL Fiddle.

Try something like this:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(REGEXP_SUBSTR('product=1627;color=45;size=7', 'color\=([^;]+);?'), '[[:digit:]]+') "colorID"FROM DUAL;

From Oracle 11g onwards we can specify capture groups in REGEXP_SUBSTR.

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('product=1627;color=45;size=7', 'color=(\d+);', 1, 1, 'i', 1) "colorID" FROM DUAL;