How to select top 1 and ordered by date in Oracle SQL? [duplicate] How to select top 1 and ordered by date in Oracle SQL? [duplicate] sql sql

How to select top 1 and ordered by date in Oracle SQL? [duplicate]

... where rownum = 1 order by trans_date desc

This selects one record arbitrarily chosen (where rownum = 1) and then sorts this one record (order by trans_date desc).

As shown by Ivan you can use a subquery where you order the records and then keep the first record with where rownum = 1in the outer query. This, however, is extremely Oracle-specific and violates the SQL standard where a subquery result is considered unordered (i.e. the order by clause can be ignored by the DBMS).

So better go with the standard solution. As of Oracle 12c:

select * from table_name order by trans_date descfetch first 1 row only;

In older versions:

select *from(  select t.*, row_number() over (order by trans_date desc) as rn  from table_name t)where rn = 1;

There should be subquery so the combination rownum & order could work:

select * from (select * from table_name order by trans_date desc) AS tb where rownum = 1

Modern Oracle versions have FETCH FIRST:

select * from table_name order by trans_date descfetch first 1 row only