Passing query as variable to Rmarkdown sql chunk Passing query as variable to Rmarkdown sql chunk sql sql

Passing query as variable to Rmarkdown sql chunk

Looks like Using R variables in queries applies some kind of escaping and can therefore only be used in cases like the example from the documentation (SELECT * FROM trials WHERE subjects >= ?subjects) but not to dynamically set up the whole query.

Instead, the code chunk option can be used to achieve the desired behavior:

The example uses the SQLite sample database from Unzip it to your working directory before running the code.

```{r}library(DBI)db <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "chinook.db")query <- "SELECT * FROM tracks"``````{sql, connection=db, code = query}```

I haven't been able to determine a way to print and execute in the same chunk however with a few extra lines of code it is possible to achieve my desired output.

Printing is solved by CL.'s answer and then I can use EXEC to run the code.

```{sql, code = query}``````{sql, connection = svr}EXEC (?query)```