Removing Duplicate Rows in PostgreSQL with multiple columns Removing Duplicate Rows in PostgreSQL with multiple columns sql sql

Removing Duplicate Rows in PostgreSQL with multiple columns

Here's an option

DELETE FROM votes T1    USING   votes T2WHERE   T1.ctid < T2.ctid     AND T1.voter = T2.voter     AND T1.election_year  = T2.election_year;


Delete from or updating CTEs doesn't work in Postgres, see the accepted answer of "PostgreSQL with-delete “relation does not exists”".

Since you have no primary key you may (ab)use the ctid pseudo column to identify the rows to delete.

WITHcteAS(SELECT ctid,       row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY voter,                                       election_year                          ORDER BY voter) rn       FROM votes)DELETE FROM votes       USING cte       WHERE cte.rn > 1             AND cte.ctid = votes.ctid;


And probably think about introducing a primary key.

The ctid field is a field that exists in every PostgreSQL table and is unique for each record in a table and denotes the location of the tuple.You did almost right just need ctid as you have no unique id for each row

;WITH CTE AS(SELECT ctid,voter,        election_year,       ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY voter, election_year ORDER BY voter) as RNFROM votes)delete  FROM votes v where v.ctid in (select CTE.ctid from  CTE where CTE.RN>1)!17/4d45d/14