Sequelize grouping by date, disregarding hours/minutes/seconds Sequelize grouping by date, disregarding hours/minutes/seconds sql sql

Sequelize grouping by date, disregarding hours/minutes/seconds

As you said, it's done with sequelize.fn(...) and there is no other way. Try:

Task.findAll({  group: [sequelize.fn('date_trunc', 'day', sequelize.col('createdAt'))]})

I think that might do the job. If not, we'll see how to do it ;)

Notice that PostgreSQL allows you to truncate to specific intervals. For more information visit:

Also, to understand how group (and order) works see the documentation of Sequelize:

The selected answer didn't work here.

This is what is working for me.

Task.findAll({    attributes: [        [Sequelize.literal(`DATE("createdAt")`), 'date'],        [Sequelize.literal(`COUNT(*)`), 'count']    ],    group: ['date'],})

For Sequelize and MYSQL

This what worked for Me:

Model.findAll({      attributes: [        /* add other attributes you may need from your table */        [sequelize.fn('DATE', sequelize.col('createdAt')), 'Date']      ],      group: [sequelize.fn('DATE', sequelize.col('createdAt')), 'Date']    })