SQL: Selecting rows contained in a group SQL: Selecting rows contained in a group sql sql

SQL: Selecting rows contained in a group

You join that back to the main table.

SELECT B.ClaimID, B.ClaimDate, B.ClientName, G.ClaimCountFROM(    SELECT ClientName, COUNT(ClaimID) ClaimCount    FROM Billings    WHERE ClaimDate > '2010'    Group By ClientName    Having COUNT(ClaimID) > 1) GINNER JOIN Billings B on B.ClientName = G.ClientNameWHERE B.ClaimDate > '2010'

Assuming SQL Server 2005 or later you can use a common-table expression

With MultipleBillings As    (    Select ClaimId, ClaimDate, ClientName        , Count(ClaimId) Over ( Partition By ClientName ) As BillingCount    From Billings    Where ClaimDate > '2010'    )Select ClaimId, ClaimDate, ClientNameFrom MultipleBillingsWhere BillingCount > 1

Select ClaimID, ClientName, Count From Billings Where ClientName In (SELECT ClientName FROM Billings                    WHERE ClaimDate > '2010'                    Group By ClientName                    Having COUNT(ClaimID) > 1) And ClaimDate > '2010'

That will generate a list of client names and then select all of the claims that have clients with those names.