suppressing messages while running sql queries in a script suppressing messages while running sql queries in a script sql sql

suppressing messages while running sql queries in a script

You have to add the uppercase S option to sqlplus.

The help message (of sqlplus that comes with Oracle specifies:

-S    Sets silent mode which suppresses the display of      the SQL*Plus banner, prompts, and echoing of      commands.

With something like

$ sqlplus -S /nolog << EOFconnect user/pswd@databseset serveroutput onset heading offset feedback offexec package.procedure($1); -- procedure that calls DBMS_OUTPUT procedures 2 from dual;-- ...exit;EOF

you only get the output from the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer and the results from select statements.

You need to use sqlplus -s for silent mode

#!/usr/bin/kshsqlplus -s /nolog <<EOFconnect user/pswd@databseset serveroutput onset heading offset feedback offselect count(*) from table;exit;EOF

Try the -s flag. e.g.,

sqlplus /s /nolog <<EOF
