Transient errors during SQL Server failovers Transient errors during SQL Server failovers sql sql

Transient errors during SQL Server failovers

Due to the apparent lack of a universal list, we have gone down the route of retrying on all errors which leave the connection in a broken state.

I think this guys here had a similar problem, might want to check.

Is there an overview of all SQL Server 2012 error codes?

Create PROC uspErrorLog ( @userId varchar(15)  ,@ExcType varchar(255)='',@ExcMessage varchar(255)='',@ExcSource varchar(255)='',@ExcStackTrace varchar(255)=''               ,@pageUrl varchar(150)=''               ,@methodName varchar(150)=''               ,@lineNo int               ,@timeZone varchar(150)                 )ASBEGIN        BEGIN TRY        BEGIN TRANSACTIONINSERT INTO [Common].[ErrorLogs]           ([userId]           ,[ExceptionType]           ,[ExceptionMessage]           ,[ExceptionSource]           ,[ExceptionStackTrace]           ,[pageUrl]           ,[MethodName]           ,[LineNumber]           ,[Timezone]           ,[LogDate])     VALUES           ( @userId           ,@ExcType           ,@ExcMessage           ,@ExcSource           ,@ExcStackTrace           ,@pageUrl           ,@methodName           ,@lineNo           ,@timeZone           ,getdate()           )        COMMIT TRAN    END TRY    BEGIN CATCH        IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0        SELECT NULL AS ID            ,'Cant Perform Insert Action.Error:' +  Error_message()  AS Message            ,ERROR_LINE() AS linentto        ROLLBACK TRAN --RollBack in case of Error                                                          END CATCHEND And call this procedure in your stored procedures in {catch} by passing the variables.Like this


IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0        SELECT NULL AS ID            ,'Cant perform operation.Error:' + Error_message() AS Message            ,ERROR_LINE() AS linoo    ROLLBACK TRAN --RollBack in case of Error                                  DECLARE @methodname VARCHAR(200)        ,@msg VARCHAR(max)        ,@lineno INT    SET @methodname = (            SELECT Error_procedure()            )    SET @msg = (            SELECT Error_message()            )    SET @lineno = (            SELECT Error_line()            )    EXEC [dbo].[uspErrorLog] @CreatedBy        ,''        ,@msg        ,''        ,''        ,''        ,@methodname        ,@lineno        ,''