What's the best way to use LEFT OUTER JOIN to check for non-existence of related rows What's the best way to use LEFT OUTER JOIN to check for non-existence of related rows sql sql

What's the best way to use LEFT OUTER JOIN to check for non-existence of related rows

SELECT count(id) FROM X LEFT OUTER JOIN Y ON (y.X_id = X.id AND y.foo = 'bar')WHERE y.X_id is null

You were close.

First do the join as normal, then select all rows for which a not null row in Y is in fact null, so you are sure there's a "no match" and not just a null value in Y.

Also note the typo (since corrected) you made in the query:

LEFT OUTER JOIN Y AS-- should beLEFT OUTER JOIN Y ON-- This however is allowedLEFT OUTER JOIN table2 as Y ON ....

Checking if the primary key of table Y is NULL would do the trick, which tells the join did not matched :

SELECT count(id) FROM X LEFT OUTER JOIN Y ON (y.X_id = X.id AND y.foo = 'bar')WHERE y.Y_id is null

Johan's answer is correct 100%.

Besides that, there is also this option:

SELECT count(id)FROM X WHERE NOT EXISTS  ( SELECT *     FROM Y    WHERE (y.X_id = X.id AND y.foo = 'bar')  )

Depending on your table size and data distribution, this may be more efficient. Test and keep both ways for future reference.