Opening and viewing the content of a .sqlite file [closed] Opening and viewing the content of a .sqlite file [closed] sqlite sqlite

Opening and viewing the content of a .sqlite file [closed]

open firefox, go to: download and install. after installing click on Tools-->SQLite Manager-->click on the link..connect database..-->give the path of .sqlite file. and open

if you use firefox:

SQLite Manager

Manage any SQLite database on your computer...


  • Manage any SQLite database on your computer.
  • An intuitive heirarchical tree showing database objects.
  • Helpful dialogs to manage tables, indexes, views and triggers.
  • You can browse and search the tables, as well as add, edit, delete and duplicate the records.
  • Facility to execute any sql query.
  • The views can be searched too.
  • A dropdown menu helps with the sql syntax thus making writing sql easier.
  • Easy access to common operations through menu, toolbars, buttons and context-menu.
  • Export tables/views/database in csv/xml/sql format. Import from csv/xml/sql (both UTF-8 and UTF-16).
  • Possible to execute multiple sql statements in Execute tab.
  • You can save the queries.
  • Support for ADS on Windows...