Disable Key Repeat in Tkinter Disable Key Repeat in Tkinter tkinter tkinter

Disable Key Repeat in Tkinter

Use Tkinter's after() to pause the infinite loop for a short period of time. A shorter example.

from Tkinter import *class BounceTest():    def __init__(self):        self.running=True        self.window = Tk()        canvas = Canvas(self.window, width = 400, height = 300)        canvas.grid()        x0 = 10        y0 = 50        x1 = 60        y1 = 100        i = 0        deltax = 2        deltay = 3        which = canvas.create_oval(x0,y0,x1,y1,fill="red", tag='red_ball')        Button(text="Stop", bg='yellow', command=self.stop_it).grid(row=1)        while self.running:            canvas.move('red_ball', deltax, deltay)            canvas.after(20)  ## give it time to draw everything            canvas.update()            if x1 >= 400:                deltax = -2            if x0 < 0:                deltax = 2            if y1 > 290:                deltay = -3            if y0 < 0:                deltay = 3            x0 += deltax            x1 += deltax            y0 += deltay            y1 += deltay        self.window.mainloop()    def stop_it(self):        self.running=FalseBounceTest()