Modern GUI programming in Python 3.3 Modern GUI programming in Python 3.3 tkinter tkinter

Modern GUI programming in Python 3.3

Tkinter comes with a set of widgets called "themed tk", provided by the ttk module. It provides more modern-looking alternatives to some of the core widgets such as buttons and labels, and it also has a few new widgets such as a notebook and tree.

After a lot of research I've decided to use the Qt bindings library for Python called PyQt5 ( It's quite easy to implement and has tons of documentation. The interface elements (called widgets in Qt) look exactly like the ones in the host operating system: if you run the program in Windows 95, they'll look like that, same for Windows 7, and even MacOS. I find Qt extremely powerful. I'm developing a Python/MySQL application and the QtSql module helps a lot in the development with creating tables.

You can use htmlPy. So you can create GUI's with css html js with good looks.