Python GUI for cardgame Python GUI for cardgame tkinter tkinter

Python GUI for cardgame

As you want to write a game, I would recommend to not use a GUI library. Instead, you should look for Game Libraries like PyGame, PyOpenGl or Kivy (aside others). They should all fit up your needs.

wxPython can do transparency, you just need to use Transparent pngs.

png = wx.Image(imageFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY).ConvertToBitmap()wx.StaticBitmap(self, -1, png, (10, 5), (png.GetWidth(), png.GetHeight()))

Showing a .png image in a window in wxPython

You should take a look at the wxPython demo for examples and ask on the wxPython mailing list to see if is anyone who has made something similar. In the demo, there is a DragImage demo that does some of what you're looking for.

Otherwise, one of the Python gaming libraries may suit your needs better. PyGame is probably the most well known. For a while, Pyglet was gaining momentum. See also wxPython or pygame for a simple card game?