Tkinter Listbox Tkinter Listbox tkinter tkinter

Tkinter Listbox

You can bind to the <<ListboxSelect>> event as described in this post: Getting a callback when a Tkinter Listbox selection is changed? TKinter is somewhat strange in that the information does not seemed to be contained within the event that is sent to the handler. Also note, there is no need to create a lambda that simply invokes your function immediately, the function object can be passed in as shown:

from Tkinter import *import Tkinterdef immediately(e):    print Lb1.curselection()top = Tk()Lb1 = Listbox(top)Lb1.insert(1, "Python")Lb1.insert(2, "Perl")Lb1.insert(3, "C")Lb1.insert(4, "PHP")Lb1.insert(5, "JSP")Lb1.insert(6, "Ruby")Lb1.pack()Lb1.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', immediately)top.mainloop()