tkinter: Specifying arguments for a function that's called when you press a button tkinter: Specifying arguments for a function that's called when you press a button tkinter tkinter

tkinter: Specifying arguments for a function that's called when you press a button

If you have at least python 2.6 (which I'm guessing you are since you use print in a function position) you can use functools.partial. It takes a function and any arguments to supply and returns a callable that will call the underlying function and add on any arguments passed to the final call. For example:

>>> from functools import partial>>> def add(x,y): return x+y>>> add2 = partial(add,2)>>> add3 = partial(add,3)>>> add2(3)5>>> add3(5)8

Your example could be done as

from functools import partialbutton1 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="Say hi", command=partial(print,"hi"))button2 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="foo", command=partial(print,"foo"))button3 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="bar", command=partial(print,"bar"))

If you don't have 2.6, you can implement partial as:

def partial(fun, *args, **kwargs):  def merge(d1,d2):    r = dict(d1)    r.update(d2)    return r  return lambda *a,**kw: fun(*(args+a),**(merge(kwargs,kw)))

A simple solution is to use lambda, which lets you create anonymous functions.

button1 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="Say hi", command=lambda: print("Say hi")button2 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="foo", command=lambda: print("foo"))button3 = tkinter.Button(frame, text="bar", command=lambda: print("bar"))

Another choice is to use functools.partial, which is explained a bit in this answer: