TypeError: button_click() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' TypeError: button_click() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' tkinter tkinter

TypeError: button_click() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

The problem is here:

button = Button(root, text="Create Group Chat", command= button_click)

Note the command - it says to invoke button_click, and will with no arguments. You defined the click function as

def button_click(self):

so when you click the button and invoke button_click with no arguments, since your definition requires a self argument - whether if it's because it's in a class or for whatever reason - you get the error. Either get rid of self in the arguments

def button_click():

or if it's supposed to be a part of the class definition, only define the Button with a valid object. For example, you can put inside def __init__(self):

self.button = Button(root, text="Create Group Chat", command= self.button_click)

with the added bonus of constructing your GUI in the constructor, which is good design.

put button_click method inside the class view, some explication about self

class view():    ...    def button_click(self):        self.form.destroy()        Chatclient().design()

You need to put the function definition for button_click() inside the class.

from tkinter import *import tkinterfrom client import*root = tkinter.Tk()class view():        root.geometry("250x300")    F1 =Frame()    L = Listbox(F1)    L.grid(row=0, column =0)     L.pack()    F = open("users.txt","r")    M = F.read()    cont = M.split()    for each in cont:        ind = each.find("#") + 1        L.insert(ind+1 ,each[ind:])        break    F.close()    F1.pack()    # strng_ind = -1    def button_click(self):        self.form.destroy()        Chatclient().design()button = Button(root, text="Create Group Chat", command= button_click)button.pack()root.mainloop()

Basically, you need to indent the code for the function definition.

Actually, when you place the code for function inside the class then it becomes a member function for that class and by passing the argument self, you just actually use a reference to the object(instance of the class) for which that function is called. It's like this in C++ if you know about that.

You can read more about self here.