difference between "bash -eu" . and "bash -e" difference between "bash -eu" . and "bash -e" unix unix

difference between "bash -eu" . and "bash -e"

No, bash -e (bash started with the errexit shell option set) is not the same as bash -e -u (bash started with both errexit and nounset set).


$ bash -e -c 'echo "hello $string"'hello$ echo "$?"0
$ bash -e -u -c 'echo "hello $string"'bash: string: unbound variable$ echo "$?"1

Using an unset variable under only errexit is not an error, it just expands to an empty string.


$ bash -u -c 'echo "hello $string"'bash: string: unbound variable$ echo "$?"127

This shows a subtle difference between -e and -u. With only -u, bash exits with code 127, which translates into a "command not found" error. With both -e and -u, bash exits with a more generic error code of 1.

These things holds true for the POSIX sh shell as well, although I don't believe that the 127 exit status is explicitly required for the last example.