Excel - VBA : pass variable from Sub to Userform Excel - VBA : pass variable from Sub to Userform vba vba

Excel - VBA : pass variable from Sub to Userform

You would be able to create public variables within the Userform that can be set by the Module.

These variables are only accessible within the Userform as it is loaded.

Within the Userform, declare public variables for both objects.

Public sMain As WorksheetPublic provinceSugg as stringPrivate Sub userformBtn1_Click()MsgBox provinceSuggsMain.Range("J6").Value = provinceSuggEnd Sub

Within the Module, you can assess both of those variables.

Sub probaCity()[...]If province = "" And city <> "" Then    provinceSugg = sCurrent.Cells(p, db_column).Offset(0, 1).Value    With UserForm2        .provinceSugg = provinceSugg         Set .sMain = sMain         .Label1 = "Do you mean " & city & " in " & provinceSugg & " ?"        .Label1.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter        .Show    End WithEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)Dim selectColumnselectColumn= Split(Target.Address(1, 0), "$")(0)Call UserFormStart(selectColumn)End Sub

Inside Main Module

Public columnSelection As String...Public Sub UserFormStart(ByVal columnRef As String)    'MsgBox "Debug columnRef=" & columnRef    columnSelection = columnRef    UserForm1.ShowEnd Sub

Inside UserForm

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()'MsgBox "Debug UserForm_Initialize =" & columnSelection...End Sub

Worksheet_SelectionChange calls a sub on the module where columnSelection is declared as public and visable from the UserForm.I used three different variables for the Column Reference to show that there is where the UserForm has access to the Module.The above all works and took ages to find and work out hence the submission. Happy hunting folks