How to clear the entire array? How to clear the entire array? vba vba

How to clear the entire array?

You can either use the Erase or ReDim statements to clear the array. Examples of each are shown in the MSDN documentation. For example:

Dim threeDimArray(9, 9, 9), twoDimArray(9, 9) As IntegerErase threeDimArray, twoDimArrayReDim threeDimArray(4, 4, 9)

To remove a collection, you iterate over its items and use the Remove method:

For i = 1 to MyCollection.Count  MyCollection.Remove 1 ' Remove first itemNext i

For deleting a dynamic array in VBA use the instruction Erase.


Dim ArrayDin() As Integer    ReDim ArrayDin(10)    'Dynamic allocation Erase ArrayDin        'Erasing the Array   

Hope this help!

It is as simple as :

Erase aFirstArray