Passing parameters between forms in MS Access Passing parameters between forms in MS Access vba vba

Passing parameters between forms in MS Access

DoCmd.OpenForm allows you to pass an arbitrary value as the last parameter. This value can be accessed in the new form as Me.OpenArgs:

' Invoked by some Button on the first form 'Sub GoToSecondPage()    DoCmd.OpenForm "MySecondPage", acNormal, , , , , txtEmployee.ValueEnd Sub' Second form 'Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)    If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then        lblShowEmployeeName.Value = Me.OpenArgs    End IfEnd Sub

(Code example untested.)

You can pass a delimited string as the OpenArgs parameter:

DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="miscForm", OpenArgs:=paramstring

Here's a routine for processing a pipe-delimited string passed as the parameter to DoCmd.OpenForm:

Dim Pstring As VariantIf Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then   Pstring = Split(Me.OpenArgs, "|")   var1 = Pstring(0)   <etc..>End If

Personally I would pass them through the open arguments when opening the form. For example from form A your would write

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmB", , , , , acDialog,”Badger”

And then in the OnOpen event of form B you can capture what you have sent like this


You can only pass one thing however What I do a lot is pass a pipe delimited string in the open arguments and then split that out.